Anthony J. Tether
Anthony J. Tether served as director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) from 2001 until 2009. Tether has been a member of the SSCI Scientific Advisory Board since 2009. SSCI is a developer of technology solutions for defense and industrial suppliers. He is also the founder of The Sequoia Group, which provides program management and strategy development services to government and industry. From 1994-96, Tether served as CEO for Dynamics Technology Inc. From 1992-94, he was vice president at Science Applications International Corporation's (SAIC) Advanced Technology Sector, and then was vice president and general manager for Range Systems at SAIC. Tether also spent six years as Vice President for Technology and Advanced Development at Ford Aerospace, served as director of DARPA's Strategic Technology Office from 1982-86, and as director of the National Intelligence Office in the Office of the Secretary of Defense from 1978-82. He has served on both the Army Science Board and the Defense Science Board and is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). In 1986, he was honored with both the National Intelligence Medal and the Department of Defense Civilian Meritorious Service Medal.